冠状病毒更新- 亚博电竞官网官网中心总医院信誉良好,最新 关于新型冠状病毒肺炎(冠状病毒)的信息.
点击这里访问CDC网站. -点击这里访问MSDH网站.


亚博电竞官网官网中心将军宣布 冠状病毒(新型冠状病毒肺炎)更新

This public messaging is supported by the Health Re来源 and 服务 美国联邦调查局(HRSA).S. 卫生与公众服务部 作为总额为99,058美元的奖励的一部分.00,其中0%由非政府组织资助 来源. 内容为亚博电竞官网官网中心总医院和诊所的内容 and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, 由HRSA, HHS或美国.S. 政府. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 HRSA.政府.

*This policy will stay in effect until further notice and is necessary 因为三角洲部队涌入亚博电竞设施.


We would like to encourage all of our healthy patients that have a scheduled check-ups or wellness visit planned to consider rescheduling these appointments 直到以后的日期,除非它是一个儿科病人安排 接受免疫接种. 如果您需要补充药物,请联系 your healthcare provider to discuss refills and any accommodations that 都可以做到. 有持续的医疗问题的病人 appointments, please contact your provider to discuss keeping your appointment.

如果你有 symptoms of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 illness, which are dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath, please isolate from others and contact your healthcare 请致电供应商获取进一步指示. 我们可以在 我们所有的内舒巴综合诊所和医院,但是 只有 有暴露风险的新型冠状病毒肺炎症状患者. 请注意 目前结果的周转时间为24小时或更长.


作为企业主和领导者,重要的是不要惊慌 at the same time taking reasonable precautions to ensure any disruptions 对你的业务来说是尽可能少的.

To prevent stigma and discrimination in the workplace, use only the guidance 以确定新型冠状病毒肺炎感染的风险. 不要做 基于种族或原籍国的风险确定 to maintain confidentiality of people with confirmed coronavirus infection. 关于这种疾病的传播性、严重性和 新型冠状病毒肺炎的其他特征和调查正在进行中. 更新 上可用 疾控中心网页.


企业和雇主可以预防和预防 减缓新型冠状病毒肺炎的传播. 雇主应该计划以灵活的方式应对不同程度的问题 of disease transmission in the community and be prepared to refine their 根据需要制定业务响应计划. 根据职业安全条例 and Health Administration (OSHA), most American workers will likely experience 低(警告)或中等暴露风险水平在他们的工作或地点 就业(见 职业安全与健康管理局雇主指南 有关工作风险分类的更多资料).

Businesses are strongly encouraged to coordinate with state and local health officials so timely and accurate information can guide appropriate responses. Local conditions will influence the decisions that public health officials 制定关于社区层面的战略. 疾病预防控制中心已 缓解战略指南 according to the level of community transmission or impact of 新型冠状病毒肺炎.

All employers need to consider how best to decrease the spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 降低对工作场所的影响. 这可能包括活动 以下一个或多个领域:


  • Employees who have symptoms (fever, cough, and shortness of breath) should 通知他们的主管,待在家里. 生病的员工应遵循 CDC-recommended步骤.
  • 员工在达到标准前不得复工 停止居家隔离 在与医疗保健提供者以及州和地方协商后是否满足 卫生部门.
  • Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with 新型冠状病毒肺炎 应该通知他们的主管并跟进吗 CDC推荐的预防措施.


  • 在工作场所提供肥皂和水. 如果肥皂和水不容易 available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
  • 在多个地方放置洗手液以鼓励手部卫生.
  • Place posters that encourage hand hygiene to help stop the spread at the entrance to your workplace and in other workplace areas where they are 可能会被看到. (参考msdh.ms.(浏览可列印的海报及资料)
  • 阻止握手
  • Routinely clean and disinfect all frequently touched surfaces in the workplace, 例如工作站、键盘、电话、扶手和门把手.
  • If a sick employee is suspected or confirmed to have 新型冠状病毒肺炎, follow the 疾控中心清洁和消毒建议.


  • 除医疗护理外,请留在家中
  • Wear a facemask when you are around other people and going to a medical 医院预约
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues then immediately wash your hands, 不要咳嗽到肘部
  • WASH YOUR HANDS often with soap and water for 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol- based hand sanitizer that contains 60 to 95% alcohol, covering all surfaces of your hands and rubbing them together until they feel dry.
  • 不要与家人/朋友共用家居用品
  • 把你自己与你的家人和动物分开
  • Clean hard surfaces daily with antibacterial/anti-germicidal solutions 如高乐氏或来苏,或类似的批准产品.
  • Monitor your symptoms and report to emergency room if fever exceeds 103 或者你呼吸困难
  • Home ISOLATION may be as long as 14 days and will be lifted by your healthcare 供应商或当地卫生部门



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关于新型冠状病毒(新型冠状病毒肺炎)的新闻不断发展. As 在本新闻稿中,密西西比州有一例新型冠状病毒肺炎确诊病例. 在那里 内肖巴县没有确诊病例吗. 奈绍巴将军 特别工作组继续亚博电竞计划和应对工作,重点是安全 以及亚博电竞病人、住院医生、员工和社区的福祉. 在延续 of caution and safety, the following updates have been made on a temporary basis:

  • 限制我们设施的入口
    • 医院和急诊科的入口位于正门
    • 梨景咖啡馆不对公众开放
    • Gift shop closed due to construction with a re-opening date to be determined
  • 疗养院完全禁止探视
  • Visitation to patients in the hospital, emergency department, and clinics 是有限的 1人 一次. 注意,只有 1人/例 是否被允许进入工厂并被允许探视. 我们理解 this is an inconvenience and special circumstances will be reviewed on 具体情况具体分析.
  • 探视时间现在是早上6点到下午6点半. 如果你有任何征兆或症状 任何疾病,尤其是流感或新型冠状病毒肺炎(干咳、发烧和感冒) 呼吸短促); 不要来访 除非你是在寻求医疗护理.

我们随时准备为所有潜在和现有的患者服务. 限制进入 points to our facilities helps us ensure we can monitor access to better protect the safety and well-being 每个人的 during this time of heightened 关注健康.

We highly encourage you to utilize proper hand hygiene including hand sanitizer 用经批准的酒精溶液. 请注意自己的健康 限制你在高风险区域的接触. 如果你有已知的暴露 risk to the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 virus and develop symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, please isolate yourself from others and contact 请致电您的医疗保健提供者以获取进一步指示.

We appreciate your understanding of our heighted focus on safety and well-being. 我们为能为您服务和提供医疗服务感到非常自豪 leadership 给亚博电竞社区. 请继续在线关注我们 fpr1.bdyworks.net 还有社交媒体上的最新消息. 谢谢您的支持 of 亚博电竞官网官网中心一般 and in trusting us to be your healthcare provider of choice.


亚博电竞官网官网中心一般的首席执行官Lee McCall宣布 most recent update on Coronavirus (新型冠状病毒肺炎) Our leadership team at 亚博电竞官网官网中心 General remains focused on preparation efforts and response to the novel 冠状病毒(新型冠状病毒肺炎). 虽然目前还没有新冠肺炎确诊病例 in Mississippi, 亚博电竞官网官网中心一般 has a Task Force that is making ongoing plans to ensure we are able to serve our patients, residents, and community 使用最安全和最佳实践. 谨慎起见,我们是 在本署所有设施推行加强的安全程序. 我们是 taking these proactive measures to do what is best for all our patients, 居民、提供者、员工和社区.

We will be limiting entry points at our facilities, but it is important 你们要明白,这并不意味着我们要限制访问 我们医院. 我们随时准备为潜在和现有的患者服务. 限制进入 points to our facilities helps us ensure we can monitor 获取期间更好地保护每个人的安全和福祉 这段时间人们更加关注健康. 以下更改将 被实现为 有限的时间 预防措施:

  • Access to the nursing home will be located at the Station 1 main entrance only.
  • 梨景咖啡馆将于周四对公众关闭 3/12/2020.
  • The primary entrance to the hospital will be at the front main location 急诊科. 入口由行政/梨景 咖啡厅将关闭.

We encourage you to utilize proper hand hygiene including hand sanitizer 用经批准的酒精溶液. 请注意自己的健康 限制你在高风险区域的接触. 如果你有已知的暴露 risk to the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 virus and develop symptoms including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, please isolate yourself from others and contact 请致电您的医疗保健提供者以获取进一步指示. 如果你有 any of these symptoms, we ask that you do not visit any of our facilities, 尤其是疗养院,除非你是在寻求医疗护理.

We appreciate your understanding of our heighted focus on safety and well-being 每个人的. 我们为能为您服务和提供医疗服务感到非常自豪 领导亚博电竞社区. 请继续在线关注我们 fpr1.bdyworks.net 还有社交媒体上的最新消息. 谢谢您的支持 of 亚博电竞官网官网中心一般 and in trusting us to be your healthcare provider of choice.

For additional information regarding prevention and preparation, you may 访问疾病控制中心,网址 http://www.cdc.Government /冠状病毒/ 2019 - ncov /索引.html 和密西西比卫生部在 http://msdh.ms.0420年Government/ msdhsite / _static / 14日.html.